OpenID Connect is a lightweight authentication layer that enables users to authenticate using accounts they have on other systems ( Some examples of providers are Google , Microsoft , Okta etc ). This authentication layer built Over the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol. By using OpenID Connect, you delegate user authentication to other providers, making it easy for users with existing accounts to authenticate to your Liferay installation.

Refer this link to understand the OpenID Connect on the Microsoft identity platform

In Liferay DXP to use the OpenId connect you can follow the steps in this URL


Provider NameThis name appears in the Sign-In Portlet when users use OpenID Connect to log in.
OpenID Client IDProvide the OAuth 2.0 Client ID you received from your provider.
OpenID Connect Client SecretProvide the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret you received from your provider.
ScopesLeave the default, which requests the user name and the email. Your provider may offer other scopes of user information.
Discovery EndpointOther URLs may be obtained from this URL, and they vary by provider.
Discovery Endpoint Cache in MillisecondsCache the endpoints (URLs) discovered for this amount of time.
Authorization EndpointThis URL points to the provider’s URL for authorizing the user (i.e., signing the user in).
Issuer URLThe provider’s URL that points to information about the provider who is issuing the user information.
JWKS URIA URL that points to the provider’s JSON Web Key Set that contains the public keys that can verify the provider’s tokens.
ID Token Signing AlgorithmsSet the supported ID token algorithms manually. Normally, this is “discovered” at the discovery endpoint. You can add as many of these as you need.
Subject TypesA Subject Identifier is a unique and never reassigned identifier the provider uses to establish who the user is, and is consumed by the client (i.e., Liferay DXP). There are two types: public (provides the same value to all clients) and private (provides a different value to each client).
Token EndpointThe provider’s URL where tokens can be requested.
Token Connection Timeout in MillisecondsWait this long when requesting a token for validation before timing out. A value of 0 means wait forever and is not recommended.
User Information EndpointThe OAuth 2.0 protected URL from which user information can be obtained.